Information about GPU Support

Advantages and disadvantages of 4k (8MP) video for facial recognition
Using 8MP video comes with trade-offs.  You double your pixel resolution and thus facial recognition performance will produce significantly better results. ...
Sun, 19 Nov, 2023 at 10:00 AM
How to choose SAFR CUDA Version
SAFR CUDA version is related to the GPU driver version and not associated with the GPU model or family. We strongly recommend using SAFR CUDA 12 for any SA...
Thu, 27 Jun, 2024 at 4:33 PM
How to migrate from SAFR CUDA11 to CUDA12
First of all, NVIDIA GPU driver should be updated to >=527.41 to allow SAFR CUDA 12 installation. More information about NVIDIA CUDA drivers compatibilit...
Thu, 27 Jun, 2024 at 4:34 PM
How do I reduce GPU memory usage in order to run SAFR Platform on GPUS with less than 6 GB RAM
SAFR Server requires at least 5 GB of GPU RAM but ideally a GPU wiht 6 GB RAM.  If video feeds are being processed on the server also, you will also need ab...
Thu, 18 May, 2023 at 6:05 PM