1 Setup Access Clearances
1.1 Example
Tenants without vehicle restricted to pedestrian door while Tenants with vehicle have access to both pedestrian door and vehicle gate.
- Pedestrian Door
- Vehicle Gate
- Tenants w/o vehicle can enter only via Pedestrian Door
- Tenants with vehicle can enter either through Pedestrian Door or Vehicle Gate (Unrestricted)
- Schedule unrestricted for all
- No spaces in Processor or Feed names
- No spaces in zone names
- No spaces in access clearances
1.1.1 Reader Configuration
Ensure the Pedestrian Door Entry reader has “Limit sync to identities with access clearance for the processor” set under “Processor System Settings”
1.1.2 Name Readers
Use “Rename Processor” to name each reader. Make sure to omit any spaces or special characters on any readers where zone filtering will be applied.
- PedestrianDoorEntry (no spaces because we will limit Tenants without vehicle to this reader only)
- Vehicle Gate Entry
1.1.3 Create Zones
Create one zone for Pedestrian Door.
1.1.4 Assign Reader to zone
Some tenants are restricted to the pedestrian reader. But the tenants with vehicles can use any reader and hence are not restricted. So only the PedestrianDoorEntry needs to be assigned to a zone.
- PedestrianDoorEntry is assigned to group Pedestrian Door
When done, Video Feeds should look have following entries:
1.1.5 Create SAFR Access Clearances
Tenant Access Clearance is limited to PedestrianDoor zone while TenantWithVehicle is not limited to zones.
1.1.6 Assign tenants to Access Clearance groups
- Tenants with vehicles are assigned to Access Clearance TenantWithVehicle
- Tenants without vehicles are assigned to Access Clearance Tenant
1.1.7 Check People window of SAFR SCAN Web Console
Confirm that tenant “Tenant No Vehicle” appears only on reader PedestrianDoor
Confirm that tenant “Tenant With Vehicle” appears on both PedestrianDoorEntry and VehicleGateEntry readers.