If you are connecting to SAFR Server, either curl, python or other custom scripts using SAFR REST APIs, or from a third party product integrating with SAFR, you may run into certificate validation issues. Following describes the different options for connecting to SAFR thru REST APIs. These are listed in order of security, lowest to highest.
- Use SAFR HTTP REST API Ports as described on https://docs.real.com/sdks.html. Using HTTP means credentials are going across in the clear but as long as you are on trusted network that should be ok.
- Disable SSL CERT validation in development language you are working with or in the third party product you are connecting from if that is an option in their software. In most software languages and in CURL, there are language-specific ways to disable SSL CERT validation. Use Internet search for your language or consult your third party product documentation.
- Install the SAFR CERT into the third party product trusted certificate store if that is supported. SAFR CERT is in SAFR Server ‘httpd/ssl’ directory or can be downloaded from browser by connecting to https://<SAFR_SERVER_IP>:8091. Consult internet search for how to download a certificate and consult third party documentation for how to install a certificate.
- Install SSL CERT from trusted certificate authority like thwate, Digicert, etc. into SAFR Server. Instructions: https://docs.real.com/guides/safrdocs/SSL_Certificates.html.