1 About Feedback from Panel

1.1 Introduction

Feature enables SAFR SCAN to receive access granted / access denied feedback from the control panel via “Wiegand” Red / Green LED lines or via the OSDP two-way protocol.

This is intended to simplify identity synchronization from external systems. User feedback is displayed based on panel disposition. The panel to determine if access is granted or denied based on the extensive rules defined in the access control software including access groups/levels, door groups, schedules, etc. This avoids the need to perform complicated mapping when configuring the PACS integrations.

1.2 How it works

After completing configured access sequence (Face Matching, validate one or more factors (face, keypad, card), anti-spoofing checks) the access card id and facility id will be transmitted via configured control panel connection (e.g. Wiegand and OSDP). After completion of transmission, SAFR SCAN monitors for input from the panel up to the specified timeout and then final access denied or granted concluded based on feedback received or timeout. Displayed text, LED color and audio feedback manifestation and dispatching of events will be deferred until then.

The following figures demonstrate how this feature works.

First, SAFR SCAN performs multiple factor authentication if authenticated.

A face identification system with a black frame

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Secondly, SCAN changes status to “Waiting” and transmits credentials to Panel.

A close-up of a person's face

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Finally, the Panel evaluates access and returns status to SCAN which results in appropriate response to user.

A close-up of a person's face

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2 Configuring SAFR for Panel Feedback

2.1 Wiegand Configuration

2.1.1 Hardware Setup

Panel Feedback for Wiegand requires at least 1 wire run from the panel and the panel must be configured to provide feedback to the reader via the green (and optionally red) LED wires. Panels typically offer 2 ways to communicate back to Wiegand access control readers:

  1. A buzzer (BZR) and a LED wire – Intended to operate an audible and a visible feedback
  2. A red LED and a green LED wire – Intended to operate visible feedback

If you just have a single LED wire, run it to the green LED on SAFR SCAN. If you have a green and red wire, run it to the green and red LEDs. The green and red LED wires must be run from the appropriate PINs on the panel to SAFR’s Wiegand In PINs per the diagram below.

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Consult your panel’s documentation for location of the red and green PINs. This may require you to configure your panel for which type of output the panel uses for red/green LED feedback.

SAFR SCAN does not support external Wiegand readers if using Wiegand output to panel with panel feedback. If an external reader is required, use an OSDP capable reader with SCAN’s OSDP input support.

2.1.2 Software Setup Panel Configuration

As described above, SAFR uses the red and green LED feedback wires to receive feedback from the access control panel. Most panels will allow configuration to choose between BZR + LED or 2-wire LED feedback. Consult your panel’s documentation to configure the panel to use red and green LED feedback. SAFR Configuration

Below describes configuration using SAFR Desktop for Windows. The process is similar for SAFR SCAN Web Console but location of configuration pages may vary slightly.

  1. Open SAFR Desktop Video Feeds window
  2. Use the “…” menu to the right of the SAFR SCAN device you wish to configure and select “Edit Operation Settings…”
  3. Select the Wiegand configuration page on the left
  4. Set “Wiegand connection to Control Panel” to “Enabled”.
    A screenshot of a computer

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  5. Select “Wiegand feedback from Control Panel”. You will be presented with the settings below. A screenshot of a computer

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See below for explanation of these settings. Wiegand Feedback Settings

Feedback via Wiegand red and green LED wires is based upon changes in the voltage in the wire. Panels send either a 0 or 1 over LED wires. SAFR looks for the change in the voltage from the panel to interpret the feedback from the panel.

SAFR is primarily interested in the change in the signal immediately after the credentials are sent. SAFR will monitor the voltage and determine if it sees a decrease in voltage (i.e. a “Negative Edge”) or an increase in voltage (i.e. “Positive Edge”). These can be interpreted as follows:

  • Negative Edge – Voltage when from high to low and is interpreted as panel setting voltage to 0
  • Positive Edge – Voltage when from low to high and is interpreted as panel setting voltage to 1

The behavior will vary by panel. Thus the settings required by SAFR will vary by panel. If the default settings do not work, then try to adjust the options for Access Granted and Access Denied triggers as well as Feedback Timeout. Please consult SAFR support team if you cannot find settings that work for your panel. These settings are described below.



Access Granted Trigger

The setting for how to detect an Access Granted signal from the panel over the D0 (green) LED line. Options are:

  • Negative Edge on green LED line – If set, Access Granted is assumed If the voltage drops after passing credentials.
  • Positive Edge on green LED line - If set, Access Denied is assumed If the voltage drops after passing credentials.

Access Denied Trigger


  • Disabled – If set to Disabled, red LED wire is not monitored for changes and will have no impact on feedback evaluation regardless of its state changes.
  • Negative Edge on green LED line – If set, Access Denied is assumed If the voltage drops after passing credentials.
  • Positive Edge on green LED line - If set, Access Denied is assumed If the voltage drops after passing credentials.

Feedback Timeout

The amount of time in milliseconds that SAFR SCAN will wait for the configured changes to occur before. If no change occurs in this time, an “Access Denied” response is generated.

2.1.3 Reconfigure Wiegand Feedback from Panel

Wiegand settings may be changed by choosing “Edit feedback settings” button in the view below. All changes take effect immediately.

A screenshot of a black screen

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2.2 OSDP Configuration

2.2.1 Hardware Setup

Unlike for Wiegand, Panel Feedback for OSDP does not require any additional low voltage wires run from the panel. OSDP is a 2-way communication protocol and is capable of passing the feedback information through the same 2 wires as used for sending credentials.

Only the 2 OSDP wires and the ground is required to support OSDP Feedback from Panel. The diagram below demonstrates the connections required for OSDP and OSDP Feedback from Panel.

2.2.2 Software Setup Panel Configuration

Many panels offer a number of different options for getting feedback over OSDP. These can be any of the following:

  • LED Pattern (Colors)
  • Strings (Text message intended to be displayed to cardholder)
  • Output control codes (numbers intended to be interpreted by reader firmware)

Which option is available for your panel will vary by manufacturer. SAFR offers the flexibility to configure any of the above or combinations of. Consult your panel’s documentation for how to enable either and configure of above options. See below for details on SAFR configuration. SAFR Configuration

Below describes configuration using SAFR Desktop for Windows. The process is similar for SAFR SCAN Web Console but location of configuration pages may vary slightly.

  1. Open SAFR Desktop Video Feeds window
  2. Use the “…” menu to the right of the SAFR SCAN device you wish to configure and select “Edit Operation Settings…”
  3. Select the OSDP configuration page on the left
  4. Set “OSDP connection to Control Panel” to “Enabled”
  5. You will then see the option “OSDP feedback from Control Panel” appear as below.
  6. Change “OSDP feedback from Control Panel” to “Enabled”. You will see settings dialog as follows:
    A screenshot of a computer

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See below for explanation of these settings. OSDP Feedback Settings

OSDP Feedback settings are highly dependent upon your access control panel OSDP configuration. Please consult your access control panel documentation for information on what options are available and how to configure those options to align to SAFR’s OSDP Feedback settings.

SAFR’s OSDP Feedback Settings are grouped as follows:

Feedback Condition

Feedback Options


Access Granted

LED pattern (color)
Text (display message)
Output control (code)

Provides the set or choices for which OSDP response mechanism to use in evaluating Access Granted feedback. It is required to set at least one method.

Access Denied

On timeout only
LED pattern (color)
Text (display message)
Output control (code)

Provides the set or choices for which OSDP response mechanism to use in evaluating Access Granted feedback.

Door Forced Open

LED pattern (color)
Text (display message)
Output control (code)

Identifies mechanism to detect a door forced open condition meaning the door contact switch detected door open without a valid cause. Valid causes for a door in a locked state would be RTE triggered or access granted.

Door Held Open

Same as Door Forced Open

Identifies mechanism to detect a door was held open for longer than the configured time after a valid open condition was triggered.

Door Unlocked

Same as Door Forced Open

Identifies mechanism that allows panel to inform SAFR SCAN that the door state is unlocked and display appropriate feedback to indicate such.

Door Locked

Same as Door Forced Open

Same as Door Unlocked but for Door Locked state.

  • Each of the Feedback Options are described below. Their behavior is common to all Feedback Conditions.

Door state information is not detected by SAFR SCAN. SAFR SCAN relies upon the panel to inform if of door state. At a future date, SAFR SCAN may implement door state detection (Door contact and Release to Exit contacts). Even so, SAFR SCAN takes its input from the panel for what to display.

SAFR SCAN also offers OSDP Feedback Settings for following:

  • LED Activation – Defines if LED should be activiated.
  • Text Display – Defines if text returned via OSDP will be displayed.
  • Buzzer Activation – Defines if sound corresponding to the OSDP response will be played.

Feedback Options are described in following table.




LED pattern (color)

Green, Red, Amber, Blue, Sentinel, Any or None

Uses color information returned by the panel via OSDP to determine if the Feedback condition exists. “None” results in LED in off state. “Any” results in any color signaled from the panel to indicate the condition.

Whenever a LED pattern is selected, two colors must be specified:

  • On Color – Color that will indicate condition is active.
  • Off Color – Color that will indicate the condition is no longer active.

Text (display message)

Any text string

Enter the text that the panel will send to indicate this condition. Text comparison is case insensitive. UTF-8 character set is supported but results may vary with control panel. Any leading and trailing whitespace is removed (but not spaces between words).

Output control (code)

A numeric (integer) value. These will be panel specific and may or may not be configurable.

On timeout only

The amount of time in milliseconds that SAFR SCAN will wait for the corresponding condition is assumed. This is only supported for Access Denied. If specified, Access Feedback Timeout should be set in milliseconds from the time that the credentials were sent. If no change occurs in this time, an “Access Denied” response is generated.

2.2.3 Reconfigure OSDP Feedback from Panel

OSDP settings may be changed by choosing “Reset Control Panel connection” button in the view below. All changes take effect immediately.

OSDP feedback settings may be changed by choosing “Edit feedback settings” button in the view below. All changes take effect immediately.

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Questions or comments about the documentation? Email us at safr-doc-feedback@realnetworks.com .