This article explains different ways count events.  In particular the number of  matched and non-matched faces.  This can be useful if you want to ascertain what the match rates are on your system.

The simplest way to count events is to use the SAFR Desktop Events Window.  This window reports the number of events currently displayed in the upper right.  To count events, set the filter to the desired event types and read off the number shown after all events load.

For example, you can count the number of matches split by threat, concern and no-concern by using the Id Class Filter.  You can also count number of Strangers or Unrecognizable using this filter.  Then you can compare these to the total number of events which you can get when no filters are set.

Note: SAFR Server Web Console will not display more than 2000 events due to browser performance limitations.

If the filters you require are not available in the SAFR Desktop Event Window, then you can use the following REST API to generate counts:

For example, assume you want to view only 100% confidence matches.  To do this, you need to set the minSimilarityScore as a value from 0 to 1.  If set to 1, then you will only get 100% matches.

You wll also need to set the following when yusing this API:

  • sinceTime to the start time you wish to report events from.  The value is epoch time in milliseconds.
  • untilTime to the end time you wish to report events to.  The value is epoch time in milliseconds.
  • intervalTime to the grouping interval you want to report.  The value is in milliseconds.  To just get a single sum, set this to the duration of time you wish to report for (in milliseconds).

Tip: A good tool to use to generate the sinceTime and untilTime values is the Google Chrome extension 'uTime'.  uTime allows you to get epoch time in very convenient ways such as "-1 hour" or "yesterday".  Make sure to select "Options" and set the Timestamp Unit to "Milliseconds" as required by SAFR.

The result of the /eventsCount API will look something like this (depending on your inputs)
  "countStats": {
    "min": 9,
    "max": 9,
    "avg": 9
  "counts": [

In this case, the intervalTime was set to only get one group in counts.

Note: To use the Swagger page, you must first enter your username and password into the "Authorize" button and also click "Try it" on the API of interest.   To connect to the swagger page on a local on-premises server,