Following describes how to create a video frame from an image and process it with the ObjectTracker.  See for more details.


1) Load the JPEG imager with the Windowsd BitmapSource or Bitmap API

2) Create a CameraKit image from it via Image.Create(myBitmapOrBitmapSource)

3) Pass the image to the FaceTracker

     FaceTracker -> ObjectTracker


1. creating a video frame cache via ARKVideoFrameCacheCreate(void)

2. then for each frame:

3. load the jpeg and decompress it

4. create a video frame with the help of the video frame cache using this beauty:

ARKVideoFrameRef _Nullable ARKVideoFrameCacheCreateVideoFrameByCopyingPixels(ARKVideoFrameCacheRef _Nonnull cacheRef, size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t* _Nonnull planes[_Nonnull 3], size_t linesizes[_Nonnull 3], ARKPixelFormat pixelFormat, ARKTimeInterval presentationTimestamp, bool isSceneChange, const ARKContrastEnhancementParameters* _Nullable ceParams);

 5. stick it into the object tracker: void ARKObjectTrackerTrackObjects(ARKObjectTrackerRef _Nonnull trackerRef, ARKVideoFrameRef _Nonnull frameRef);