This article explains how to create a new feed the easy way - using the Camera Analyzer window in the SAFR Desktop Client.

While Video Gateway (VIRGO) offers a way to create feeds, it is a somewhat complicated process that entails using a generic editor to manipulate JSON configuration files.  This requires you to know the names of SAFR configuration properties and is typically best suited to advanced SAFR support staff. This article explains a process to create and update video feeds using the graphics interface to add feeds and updated settings for each feed.

Without further ado, we'll just start through the steps.  A video for each process is provided at the end of the article if you just want to sit back and enjoy the show. 

Creating a Feed

1. Configure feed as desired

  1. Open the SAFR Desktop Client. The Camera Analyzer Window should be the default window. (If your client defaults to a different window, then make sure to select the Camera Analyzer from the Tools drop-down menu.)
  2. Select an initial video processing mode and camera.
  3. Configure settings for that mode and camera.
  4. Review results of configuration in GUI if desired and adjust as needed.

2. Export settings to VIRGO by clicking the export button in toolbar:

You will be prompted to add the feed to VIRGO as follows:

The Processor selection allows you to choose the machine when you have multiple VIRGO feeds connected to a single client.

NOTE: "Apply Mode Customizations for Preferences" should be checked to have settings you have customized in the GUI to. be added to the feed.  Unchecking this will result in the feed having default settings.

The video feed will be added to the Video Feeds as shown below:

Updating a Feed

You can also use the Camera Analyzer window to update settings and push the updated settings to the background video feed as follows.

1. Open the Camera Analyzer Window.

2. Open the same camera. (You probably want to make sure you have the same video processing mode selected.)

3. Edit settings as desired.

4. Click export video feed button as shown in step 2 above

You will be prompted to Add Feed.  Leave the Feed Name the same to overwrite existing feed and click "Add".  You should be prompted to overwrite the existing feed as follows:

Click "Replace Existing Feed" to update the feed settings.

Video Tutorials:

Creating / Updating background feed with camera anlayzer - How

Creating / Updating background feed with camera anlayzer - Why