This article describes how to get event images (both scene images and cropped face images) and reference person images from person detection events. 

Get Events

To start, get a list of Events using the GET Events API:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-RPC-AUTHORIZATION: USER:****" -H "Authorization: main"


  • EPOCH_START_TIME_IN_MS is the epoch date in milliseconds. Use "utime' chrome extension or Epoch Converter to convert the date to an Epoch date.
    • utime allows values like "yesterday" or "1 hour ago".

From the API call above, get the following from one of the events:

  • Person ID
  • Event ID - You will need to convert the returned Event ID to base64 encoding; see below for details.

Converting UTF-8 Encoding to base64

The GET Events API will return Event IDs encoded in UTF-8, which means they'll look something like this:


You need to convert the Event ID to base64 encoding either by using various websites such as this one, or by running the following command: (Linux only)

echo -n <UTF-8 encoded value> | base64

For example, using the sample UTF-8 encoded Event ID above, you would run

echo -n 81F114F2-E904-40AC-9C94-5F6954AF26C1 | base64

and the resulting base64 encoded value would be


Person Face Image

To get the person's face image, you'll use the GET Person Face API:

curl -X GET "<PERSON_ID>/face" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: main" -H "X-RPC-AUTHORIZATION: USERNAME:****" > person.jpg

Use the Person ID from the GET Events call you made above for the <PERSON ID> value in the API call. For example, if GET Events returned a Person ID of "60eedc43-f56d-403b-8058-4e721c82105e", the API call would look like this:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: main" -H "X-RPC-AUTHORIZATION: USERNAME:****" > person.jpg

Get Event Face Image

To get the event's face image, you'll use the GET Object (GET /obj/{id}/face) API:

curl -X GET "<BASE_64_OF_EVENT_ID>/face" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: main" -H "X-RPC-AUTHORIZATION: USERNAME:****" > event_face_image.jpg

Use the base64 encoded version of the Event ID you got from the GET Events call you made in the "Get Events" section above for the <BASE_64_OF_EVENT_ID> value in the API call.

For example, if GET Events returned a UTF-8 encoded Event ID of "81F114F2-E904-40AC-9C94-5F6954AF26C1", you would use the base64 encoded version of that value  ("ODFGMTE0RjItRTkwNC00MEFDLTlDOTQtNUY2OTU0QUYyNkMx") in the API call, so the API call would look like this:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: main" -H "X-RPC-AUTHORIZATION: USERNAME:****" > event_face_image.jpg

Event scene image

To get the event's scene image, you'll use the GET Object (GET /obj/{id}/sceneThumb) API:

curl -X GET "<BASE_64_OF_EVENT_ID>/sceneThumb" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: main" -H "X-RPC-AUTHORIZATION: USERNAME:****" > event_scene_image.jpg

Use the base64 encoded version of the Event ID you got from the GET Events call you made in the "Get Events" section above for the <BASE_64_OF_EVENT_ID> value in the API call.

For example, if GET Events returned a UTF-8 encoded Event ID of "81F114F2-E904-40AC-9C94-5F6954AF26C1", you would use the base64 encoded version of that value  ("ODFGMTE0RjItRTkwNC00MEFDLTlDOTQtNUY2OTU0QUYyNkMx") in the API call, so the API call would look like this:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: main" -H "X-RPC-AUTHORIZATION: USERNAME:****" > event_scene_image.jpg