Following process describes how to Reset SAFR SCAN and ensure it has default settings.  If SAFR SCAN is not connected to SAFR Server or SAFR Cloud, you can skip Steps 1 and 2.


In SAFR SCAN Web Console:

  1. Disconnect scan from server: System > SAFR Sever > SAFR Server dropdown to “None”

On SAFR Desktop Video Feeds window:

  1. Delete the processor: “…” menu on Processor and chose “Delete Processor” for the active scan (name ending in 040F)

On SAFR SCAN Web Console:

  1. Reset device:  System > Reset
  2. Uncheck “Keep Enrolled People & System Login”
    IMPORTANT: If SCAN was not connected to SAFR Server or Cloud and you do not want to lose person records, skip this step.
  3. Click “Factory Reset”


When it powers back up, set the device login and connect back to SAFR Server or SAFR Cloud if needed.  All person records will be pushed back down.  You will need to re-configure the device settings.